You'll be pleased to know that the festival of inconvenience and general bollockness that is US airports was greatly enlivened yesterday by random chats with:
a) an Australian sewage engineer who I immediately nicknamed Kenny after the Aussie movie. We scoured our departure lounge for something, anything healthy to eat (tip: bring your own food or risk the chance of scurvy and/or obesity) and laughed at our fellow passengers as he showed me insanely beautiful photos of where he and his family live (the Blue Mountains) and I whinged about the English weather.
b) an American architect who spoke so passionately about her sustainable practice that I felt almost inclined to commission her to design my dream home. But then I realised that would mean vacating the Slum, and then what would I have left to hate?
The payoff for time spent in LAX was getting to San Francisco and seeing Doug and Suzi and, of course, the Divine Ms M who, after her initial frenzy of welcome, ran downstairs to look for the Animator! And, I might add, sat staring at the garage door for some time after, not quite understanding that her favourite human wasn't part of the deal this time. If I wasn't so besotted with her, I might feel offended.
But today the sun is shining and after some initial difficulty identifying the unfamiliar golden orb in the sky, I have breakfasted alfresco on a bowl of blueberries and granola (the Americans do the best granola ever), walked the dogs, attended two estate sales with Suzi and bought a cute wooden cigar box for the princely sum of $3.
And it's only lunchtime...
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