Friday, 5 February 2016

Really? And a cruise line

For the last few weeks we have been melting in the unusually high temperatures (hello Global Warming). It is humid and sticky and hard to sleep.

However, for the last two days a well-known clothing chain has been filling my inbox with such gems as how to keep warm, the best way to wear knits and, this pearler, how to celebrate now that autumn is here. The fact that we've still got a month or so of summer left to run seems of little consequence to these fools.

Along with the rest of NZ, I might be whinging about how hot it is but I'd rather take the heat over the cold any day.

In a totally unrelated piece of news, I spent last night at Te Papa with about 600 passengers from an Azamara Cruise that was in town. We were entertained by Once Were Warriors actor Tem Morrison, listened to the fabulous Modern Maori Quarter  and congratulated ourselves on being in such a gorgeous setting on such a gorgeous summer evening.

Today's images are of, what else, but cute woofers. It's a long weekend in Aotearoa this weekend but wherever in the globe you are, y'all have a good one.

(Pic Credit: Tumblr) 

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