Received a nice surprise from the British tax man. And without having to repeatedly ring/email/plead for what is rightfully ours - as we are currently doing with the UK council tax, insurance and gas companies. There is, I am convinced, a special place in hell for these buggars.
A pleasant 12-year-old in an electrics store fixed my iPod for free. Then he called me 'Mam' which made me feel old (this should probably go into the 'not so good' register).
Whilst the Animator nudged the 60-hour working week mark, I went to a fascinating doco with my mate Donna – Bill Cunningham New York, a film that chronicles the life of an octogenarian photographer who's spent most of his life riding a cycle around the Big Apple snapping pics for the New York Times' style section. My description doesn't in any way do it justice but seriously, if you get a chance, go see it. It's delightful, uplifting and made me smile for a long time afterwards.
The Animator and I rented a harrowing but beautiful DVD, Sarah's Key, starring the delectable Kristen Scott Thomas on whom I've had a girl crush for the longest time. Not in a lesbian way, though.
Ate great sweet and sour fish and drank oolong tea at our favourite down-at-heel Korean place on Courtenay.
Visited the Chaffers Street farmers market to stock up on fruit and vege for the week. The best bit? It's only across the road from the hotel so we didn't have to travel far.
Saw three houses, one of which I swooned over, all of which the Animator dissed. We will never find a place to buy at this rate.
Checked out a new Mini (we lose the free rental car in five weeks). Spent the next half hour hyperventilating into a paper bag.
Ate delicious home-made biscuits with the lovely retired couple we previously lived next to. And saw how the new owners had decimated 11 years of the Animator's gardening efforts.
Drank a good Kiwi pinot noir to bid adeiu to the weekend.