Monday 30 January 2017

Ms Saigon

Another travel piece from September's Air NZ/Saigon Tourism Board media famil to Saigon (or Ho Chi Minh City as almost no-one calls it) is one of two stories I have in the current issue of NEXT Magazine (click here to read).


Sunday 29 January 2017

Another day, another house story

This time it was in Khandallah, with stunning sea views. But I was too busy scribbling notes to take any photos so this Google shot of Welly as seen from Khandallah will have to do.

There was other stuff too - including an absolute nightmare about having to change the links to the stories on my website and blog - but my brain is so fried I can't remember what it was.


Saturday 28 January 2017

The Barre Boys

Late last year, I spent several hours, on several different days, at the Royal NZ Ballet Company's HQ interviewing three male ballet dancers.

My story on them is one of two I have in the February issue of North & South Magazine (click here to read).


Friday 27 January 2017

Haute in Harajuku

My story about this quirky Tokyo suburb is published in this week's NZ Woman's Weekly (click here to read).

(Pic credit: Google Images)

Thursday 26 January 2017

A summer garden

My story on how to keep your garden looking summery (um summer, do you hear me? It's time to return from your vacation) is published in the latest Zones magazine (click here to read).

(Pic credit: Zones) 

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Hidden Figures

Last night I got a media ticket to the preview of this fabulous, fabulous movie.

It opens in NZ Thursday so if I were you, I'd be buying my ticket now.


Monday 23 January 2017

10 Days in Italy

The first of my stories from the recent Insight Vacations famil to Italy was published in yesterday's Sunday Star Times. Here's a link to the online version.

Saturday 21 January 2017

The March on Washington - Aotearoa

This morning, we were the first of 166 countries around the globe to support the March on Washington.

The Welly march started at Parliament and wound its way to Civic Square over two hours. It was strangely comforting to be with people whose sadness reflected my own. But also to hope that love will indeed find a way to trump hate.

Right, so that's my activism register topped up for the next wee while...


Friday 20 January 2017

Love Trumps Hate

NZ was the first country in the world to give women the vote and tomorrow we will be the first to march in solidarity with the Women's March that's taking place in Washington DC to coincide with Trump's inauguration. It's estimated to be the largest inauguration-related demonstration in US history.

If you believe in protecting our rights, safety, health, families and in the strength of diverse communities, then come along tomorrow to the peaceful march from Parliament to Civic Square, followed by the Love Trumps Hate Rally.

I haven't marched since my university days, but as someone deeply appalled by recent political events and their widespread ramifications - yes, even down here at the bottom of the planet - I want to make my voice heard.

It's so good to see NZ joining in this global response - so if you're in Welly, Auckland, Christchurch or Dunedin, or anywhere in the world where there's a march, then join in. You don't have to be a woman either, you just have to believe in promoting equal rights for women and in defending marginalised groups.


Thursday 19 January 2017

Books glorious books

A courier delivered this pile of review books yesterday. Where to start?

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Besties in the Business

My story on friends who started businesses together is one of two pieces I have in the current (Feb) NEXT Magazine (click here to read).

Tuesday 17 January 2017


The first SPCA puppy walking volunteering Monday night walk kicked off with these three adorable bundles of fluff.

These eight-week old brothers haven't had their final shots yet so they weren't able to be walked on the footpath. Instead we got to carry them around the usual waterfront route.

To say they were a star attraction would be to dive into a very deep pool of understatement: these little guys charmed the pants off the public (the aim of the walks is to socialise the puppies) and our usual hour long walk took almost double that as we stopped for people to coo over them.

But oh my, the joy of holding these tiny, warm bodies and breathing in their adorable puppy smell was intoxicating. It was all I could do not to pop one of them in my pocket on the way home.

Apologies for the unflattering pic below (of the humans, anyway); those SPCA vests must be one of the least sexy garments known to womankind.


Monday 16 January 2017

Pared back retreat

My story on this cute wee bach at Riversdale Beach is published in the Jan/Feb issue of Capital Magazine (click here to read).

Saturday 14 January 2017

A busy few days

Yesterday, while I looked longingly out of the window at the sun, I was stuck inside on deadline. I was saved by the arrival of the Animator's cousin from London, who gave me an excuse to hit the off button and join them in the sun-splashed garden for a good old chinwag.

And then we walked down the road to this very cool neighbourhood bar, followed by Mexican food.

This morning it was an early-ish start as the cousin departed and we headed over the winding Rimutakas for a story for a house magazine. The Animator and the woofer went for a walk by the river while I interviewed the lovely owners. And then my boys joined us for afternoon tea in this bucolic setting. Which, of course, started the Animator off on his favourite rant (of wanting to sell up in the city and move to the country. Which I also want - just not yet).

But a lovely weekend so far - and we get to do it all again tomorrow when a friend pops over for arvo tea. In between I have a ton of work to get done so best I crack into it (yeah I know, could my Saturday nights get any more thrilling?!)

(Photos: supplied)

Thursday 12 January 2017

Lēe hò

Or hello in Taiwanese.

Relevant why? Because my first media trip of the year was confirmed today - and it is a week in Taiwan in February.

Like so many people, I know little about this compact nation; the only time it's ever been on my radar, in fact, is when it's prefaced with the words 'Made in'.

So I'm really looking forward to it - and the promise of lots of lovely stuff to write about on my return.


Monday 9 January 2017

Green is the New Black

My story on green buildings is published in the latest issue of MAS Magazine (click here to read).

 (Pic credit: Google Images)

Saturday 7 January 2017

A toast to your health

My story on Healthonism, the trend that blurs health and hedonism, is published in today's Canvas Magazine (NZ Herald). Click here to read the online version.

(Pic credit: Andrew Louis, NZ Herald)

Friday 6 January 2017

The Change Maker

A few months ago I interviewed an amazing Kiwi woman (now resident in Oz) who helps other woman get fit after childbirth. That story ran in NEXT magazine in October last year.

My second story on Kellie Rennie is published in the January issue of Good Health Choices Magazine (click here to read).

Thursday 5 January 2017

This is what too much time looks like

I go months without baking and then do it twice in one week.

Today it was these pastry 'roses' which were bloody fiddly to make but turned out okay. They are for arvo tea at a friend's place so hope she likes them.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Terrific Toronto

One of three Toronto stories from the Adventure World media trip last year is published in the  NZ Woman's Weekly (click here to read).

Btw, check us out sitting in the first O of the iconic Toronto sign...

Tuesday 3 January 2017

This year needs

more cake.

Which is why I whipped up this red velvet-ish number (secret ingredient: a cup of red wine) to take to lunch at a friend's place today.

It might not look like much but it's bloody delicious.


Monday 2 January 2017

Our happy place

My story on this Waikanae bach reno is published in the January issue of Your Home & Garden Magazine (click here to read).


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