Saturday, 6 August 2016

Epic fail

This is what you get when you're trying to do 100 things at once - you miss the last step and inelegantly face-plant at the bottom of the stairs. The dregs of the hot chocolate you're carrying splatter all over your face and you twist your right ankle to buggery.

Thank god for the Animator who cleaned me up, did an emergency dash to the pharmacy to get some crutches, made ice and expertly wrapped my swollen ankle in bandages.

Apologies for the fat, ugly toes in the first photo but everything south of my shin bone has swollen like a balloon. Am hoping against hope that it heals pretty quickly as I have a full week coming up and don't have the time or energy to be faffing around with crutches.

The sliver lining in this whole mess? I've now got a legitimate excuse not to go for a run this weekend.



  1. Ohh Shaz you poor thing! Get better soon. Can only imagine how annoying it is for you to be immobile. But let that husband of yours take care of you while you rest up (as if!) Mel xx

  2. Thanks sweets. It's driving me potty. Am, however, astounded at the technicoloured splodge that's spread itself over my ankle and lower foot...every colour of the rainbow appears to be represented. It's even more deeply unattractive than the fat, swollen toes, however, so defo not for photographic representation! SSx

  3. That's a bummer about your ankle, Shazzy. Rest up and hope it's on the mend.

    Sarah xox

  4. Thanks lovely, it is on the mend and has been a good reminder to slow down!


  5. Thanks lovely, it is on the mend and has been a good reminder to slow down!




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