Monday 26 May 2014


Someone has sat on the remote and fast-forwarded to winter.

Today on my walk to work I was swaddled like the Michelin Man (although I do love any opportunity to whip out the softest leather gloves I bought in Seoul last year).

Yesterday, when the weather gods hadn't totally lost their marbles, I arranged a post-work Monday run with a friend from my running group, Jeanne-Marie (French, been in NZ a couple of months, adorable). I spent most of this afternoon hoping against hope she would cancel and I could chain myself to the radiator and drink hot tea until it scaled my lips. But she didn't and so tonight we ran like mad women into the teeth of a southerly gale and tried in vain to keep our extremities warm. But it was good to catch up on the gossip and now it is done.

I cannot insert myself into the European summer quickly enough.

This little guy has buggar all to do with being cold but thought I should share, given it's the cutest wee thing I've seen in a long time (Bristol the Wonder Dog excepted, of course).

(Pic credit: Tumblr) 

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