Friday, 10 March 2017

Bristol, Bath and London - here I come!

The media trip has finally been approved - next Wednesday I'll be one of three journos flying Qatar Airways' new Auckland to Doha service, and then onto London for a 10-day media trip to my old stomping ground of Bristol (as well as Bath and London).

It's been a couple of years since I was in the UK so am really looking forward to seeing my old mates (hopefully there will be some free time!)

Woop woop - a great way to start a Friday.

Visuals from the Animator on our last visit to Bath when we were hosted by Bath Tourism for a story a few years back.



  1. Ohh, lucky you. That sounds like fun, very jealous of your job!


  2. Yes it should be a fun - although the 17.5 hour leg between Auckland and Doha will be a stretch. Am hoping we get into Business Class! X



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