About as likely as Victoria Beckham wearing flat shoes, say those in the know.
And since the sun hadn't written or phoned for what seemed like days, the odds of a dreary, wet weekend were high.
Fortunately, the golden orb was coaxed out of hiding and for three whole days, we enjoyed glorious weather. However, plans to travel abroad or even to another city were thwarted by devious tourism operators who hike up prices for the break, so we decided to experience the most hackneyed word in the UK travel press, the 'staycation', and holiday in our own backyard.
On Saturday, the Animator treated himself to an early birthday present - an overpriced camera lens - so he spent much of the weekend snapping anything and everything that moved...
Lunching in the sun at St Nicholas' market

Walking home from the restaurant with Brunel's superb Suspension Bridge as a backdrop. Note the Animator's coat - the nights are starting to close in.

Eating at the Angel Inn, a quaint country pub that dates back to 1495. Luckly they've changed the menu since then, so we tucked into Thai fish cakes and beautifully spiced salmon fillets and walked off the calories with a hike around Leigh Woods.
We finished off the weekend in the kitchen baking this cheesecake for Martin's colleagues. But as we don't have any containers big enough for him to take it into work, he had to pre-slice it. It seemed a shame not to try a piece...
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