Thursday 12 July 2012


When it comes to being a wuss, I am in the heavyweight division.

This evening, walking home from work, it was so cold, I was tempted to swaddle myself in a duvet and refuse to (ever) leave the house.

But tonight there is a meeting of the Mt Vic Vixens and there is red wine to be drunk and gossip to be caught up on. So I am off down the hill to our local. I may be some time...and may well return as an ice-block (or ice lolly for my British readers).

(Pic credit: Google Images)


  1. Hey you, you are not missing anything in England, rain every day and loads of it! Will catch up properly so sorry no long emails. Check out Bicester village, going there Saturday and will be wishing you were there xx

  2. Hey doll, missing you terribly! Sorry you are having as rubbish a summer as our winter. Am
    sooo over it I could cry!

    Will update clothes list and send to you at weekend. Happy shopping, wish I was there!




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