Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Martini Masterclass

My story on the martini masterclass we did last November as guests of the stunning Egerton House Hotel in London's Chelsea was published in the NZ Herald  yesterday (click here to read).

It was all kinds of fun and even though I spent most of the evening swaddled in a vodka duvet, I learned such useful life lessons as a martini should never be shaken or stirred (take that, Mr Bond), vodka martinis aren't as dry as their gin counterparts, and the alcohol should be kept at a strict -22C temperature.

Thanks to Red Carnation Hotels and the gorgeous bartender Esley for the fun evening. Pics, of course, by the Animator.


  1. How lucky are you!?

  2. Hey sweets, yes it was hard work but someone had to do it!




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