Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Incredible India

Today, while on my way to get my Hep A and Typhoid shots, I ran into a friend, a frequent reader of these pages.

She asked where the fire was and when I told her I had 15 minutes to be injected with fluids, run back to work and get to a meeting, she asked why the heck I was getting jabs.

"But you didn't say anything on your blog about going to India," she shrieked.

Really? This year has been such a blur that she may well be right. For that I apologise.

I have barely recovered from the last media trip to Oman and Dubai and in a couple of weeks I will be off to India's Golden Triangle for a two-week trip hosted by those marvellous folks at Adventure World. And Singapore Airlines.

Best of all, the  Animator gets to come with me this time.

Hence the jabs and the frequent visits to the Indian Embassy to sort visas and organise flight times and meal preferences, etc.

It's been a long time since I last visited India and the Animator has never been so I'm really looking forward to this trip (once I file the million stories from the last famil and an equal number of non-travel pieces that are due in before we go, that is...)

(Pic creidt: Google Images)


  1. Glad I prompted you to mention this fabulous trip you're going on! Dying to see the pics - and hope your arm isn't too sore!

    Deb xxxx

  2. Thanks lovely. Arm still a bit tender but on the positive side, at least it was a good excuse not to go on the usual Wednesday run! Catch up when I get back




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