Another Saturday, another Home & Garden Magazine interview - this is, it appears, an affair I can't seem to end.
Today was this stunning home at the beachside suburb of Peka Peka, about an hour north of Wellington. Lovely couple, GORGEOUS Schnauzer named Klaus (German breed, German name, geddit?) and a pleasant way to spend two hours.
While I got busy with the shorthand, the Animator took Bristol to the beach where, he reports, they had a magnificent time. Photos later this week when we can locate the camera cord thingy. When they came to pick me up, Bristol had the utter joy of meeting Klaus - they ran, they sniffed out rabbits on his owners' five acre property and generally had a glorious time.
On the way home, we popped in to see the in-laws who kindly let their grand-doggy water their flowerbeds. If Bristol had any energy left he would most certainly give a canine high five to today.

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