Wednesday, 11 December 2013

One year

A year ago today we got the news - that Ms Molly's San Francisco vet had found a tumour on her spleen and sent her to doggy heaven.

So much has happened in that year: good things and not so good things, belly laughs, tears and the full colour wheel of emotion. But not once have we forgotten the wee scrap of black and white fur we brought home from the Wellington SPCA so many years ago.

You brought much joy into our lives Mollmoll, and I'd like to think that you're celebrating your first anniversary in heaven with as many schmackoes and belly rubs as your heart desires. Go well, sweet one...



  1. Gosh that was a year ago? Hasn't this year just rushed by? It's so great that Molly is still in your thoughts and your heart. She was very lucky to have you. And one day you will meet again, so hold onto that...

    Mel xox

  2. Yes, am still not quite sure where the year has gone. But thanks for your kind words, doll. I think we were the lucky ones to have her, though! And don't worry, am defo holding onto the thought of one day seeing her sweet wee face again.




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