The solicitors finally finished their soliciting and at 11.00am we received the keys from Nicki, our estate agent.
I had taken an annual leave day, so spent the afternoon happily ripping down horrid curtains, removing doors and walking around the house like some kind of lunatic, saying “Hi bedroom/bathroom/laundry, it's nice to meet you. I'm your new owner”.
Tonight, in the time-honoured tradition of Kiwi homeowners, we enjoyed fish and chips and a bottle of red in the back garden as the sun sank. Sadly, we can't move in until November 10 because our furniture has to stay in our rental property till then so we will still be in the apartment found for us by the Animator's employers. However, it's just around the corner from the new whare so guess where we'll be spending every evening and weekend working our fingers to the bone for the foreseeable future?
But we finally made it and I'd defy you to find anyone happier than me today....

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