Tuesday 28 August 2012


As a dear old friend used to say, there are three parts to anyone's life - home, relationship and work - and it's unusual for all three to be in sync at any one time.

Thankfully, my relationship is mostly smooth sailing: when it comes to life's big questions, the Animator and I are pretty much in the same boat. And while the home sector has sailed some choppy waters in its time - come in horrid, slum-like flat in Bristol - we now live in a beautiful house that's soon to be featured in a glossy magazine.

The work part of this trilogy is, however, where I most frequently come unstuck: like many journos, I 'fell' into PR, a career that I'm pretty good at, that has paid off two mortgages and filled my home and life with lovely things - but that gnaws away at my soul. For the last wee while it's been hard to shake the feeling that I'm not doing what I was meant to.

Today, I had coffee with a woman who helped me crystalise my thinking; she may also hold the key to what I'm looking for. If it comes off, it will require some adjustment, but I'm more than ready for that.

I ended the day on an even higher note: as the sun set, this wee chap and I walked into the bush, stopping to chat to other dog owners and play fetch. It was a salient reminder that, no matter what happens, I'm lucky to have my two favourite boys and, really, that's all I need...


  1. Hey, there must be something in the water because I've been feeling like that too! Here's to big Spring changes!

    Mel xox

  2. Doesn't it feel spring-like today? LOVING this sunshine....

    And yes, here's to taking steps to make change where it's needed




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