Thursday 28 November 2013


I am the FIRST to tut-tut at cultural appropriation: Guy Fawkes, for example, is a ridiculous and dangerous 'celebration' of a 15th Century English pyromaniac, while Halloween is nothing more than a shameless grab for sweets (and an excuse for dreadful costumes) that has zero historical or traditional relevance to New Zealand.

Today, however, I'm prepared to forget about my grumpiness and embrace Thanksgiving, the US holiday which has its origins in giving thanks for the previous year's harvest. The genocide of Native Americans (and turkeys) aside, it seems like a celebration I could really get behind. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, and random list making, here are things I'm most thankful for today:

1) The ability to chuck a noun and an adjective together. Not only has it provided me with a pay cheque on, or around, the 20th of each month since I left uni, but arranging words on the page is one of my favourite things to do.

2) Green tea, the proper leaf type. Thank you recent media trips to China and Singapore for keeping me in the green stuff for some time to come.

3) Again on the word theme, but a world without books is unimaginable. In the post digital hell-hole we live in, you can keep your Kindles and e-books and all that other crap. I want the heft and the texture and smell of an old school book, to be able to line my shelves with books, books and more books.

4) Travel. The love of my life. I'm thankful to have travelled to more countries and continents than I ever thought possible, to have lived in the UK twice and, best of all, to have blagged lots of freebie trips as part of the travel writing gig (I'm especially thankful this year to have received even more travel as part of winning the NZ the Travel Writer of the Year).

5) For living in the best place in the world and possibly the best suburb ever. I heart you, Mt Vic.

6) Work. Yes I whinge when the alarm goes off and bitch about editors and the feast-and-famine nature of freelance work, but I'm so thankful that I have more than enough work that interests me, pays the bills, is creatively satisfying and provides all sorts of lifestyle options.  

7) Creative geniuses who've reached into the dark and often fetid recesses of their imaginations to give me the televisual joy that is Breaking Bad, Homeland, Orange is the New Black and House of Cards. I genuflect before their breathtaking talent.

8)  Friends. For keeping me sane, for making me laugh, for being a sounding board, a lifeline and as necessary to me as air. For those I already have, and those I am yet to meet, I'm so thankful for the institution of friendship.

9) A fabulous home that not only keeps me warm and dry and from living in a cardbox box under a bridge, but is also my haven and the place where I'm most 'me'.

10) Red wine. Once, while living in London, I was between jobs and down to my last 20 quid. I decided to spend it on the best bottle of Pinot Noir I could find. I've never regretted it.

11) Runner's high. The thought of dragging my lardy arse around the hood always fills me with dread, but once I'm out there and find my rhythm, I'm so thankful that my legs and other moving parts work, that I'm able to keep healthy and fit and, best of all, to be able to eat more sweet things than should be allowed by state law. And I swear the endorphin rush gets better with age...

12) My two boys. Both the human and the furry one. The most special things in my life. Period.

Happy Thanksgiving wherever you are.

(Pic credit: Google Images)      



  1. I'm thankful for your wonderful way with words! Agree with you re: the festivals that aren't our own, especially Guy Fawkes which drives me, and the cats, crazy!

    But until those idiot politicians do something about it, we're stuck with it! Something NOT to be thankful about!

    Mel xox

  2. Thanks Mel - especially for making me laugh with your comment about politicians. Although idiocy seems to be somewhat of a contagious disease lately....girding my list-making loins to do one about 'idiots I have known'. Not sure though the internet will have enough room for that list...

    Have a great weekend




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