Thursday, 17 April 2014

Oh Vienna

A less than stellar week (too many deadlines, people flipping out, etc) ended on a fantastically high note - I was offered a media famil on a cruise from Vienna to Budapest in the first week of June! I was last in these parts about four years ago, again on a media trip, and all I can remember about Vienna is a gi-normous Zara (where, of course, I spent up large) and cafe after cafe filled with sachertorte that was like a snog from an angel.

But wait, there's more: when I asked the PR company in Sydney if I could tack on a week in the UK afterwards, they agreed! So although I didn't manage to get to Bristol and London in March, looks like I am going to see my lovely mates in June.

Tonight, I am well and truly on my way to Happy Town.

   (Pics of Vienna: Google Images)


  1. Woo hoo, lucky you. Can I come carry your suitcase?!

    Mel xox

  2. Yes plse do! Too scared to tell anyone I get sea sick but hopefully as its a river cruise, it should be fine! One way to find out, eh?




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