I'm not a woman who needs much of an excuse to be pampered.
Show me a darkened room, a massage table and a firm touch, and I'll be there quicker than you can say 'de-stress'.
A couple of years back, I lucked into reviewing beauty treatments and products. Which involved having things like chocolate facials, bamboo massages, cupping and lomi lomi massages (a bit like waking up in an oil slick – a very luxurious, relaxing oil slick) for free and then writing nice things about them.
But about 13 months ago, my marbles fell out of my head and I gave it all up to move to this side of the planet. Which meant the free facial/massage pipeline pretty much dried up. However, thanks to the generous birthday gift from my darling friend Gina, tonight I broke the drought with a facial and massage at the Lido Spa.
For an hour, the angelic Nosu doused me in creams and lotions, endlessly exfoliated and plumped my face and pretty much waved her magic wand over my tired skin. And although she weighed little more than a bag of sugar, this chick had hands of steel that convinced all the toxins and stress in my upper back and shoulders they'd be better off elsewhere.
I gave this woman my body and in an hour, she gave me back a completely new and improved one. My skin feels like cashmere and I was so relaxed, I almost stepped in front of a bus on the way home.
Welcome back luxury, you have been gone far too long...
(Pic: Freak Deluxe)
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