Friday 24 June 2011

The six million dollar dog

On first seeing this piece on the Huffington Post, I immediately clambered aboard my soapbox and was all, "Why would you spend so much money on one dog when there are thousands of others out there that need help?"

But then I read this woofer's tragic back story, had myself a wee cry and adjusted my attitude. It's all kinds of wonderful that this tiny tyke gets to have a second chance at a normal life.

And don't look at me like that: if we're going to be grand old friends then you need to learn to love dogs too.


  1. Ohhh, I cried too when I read his story. And he's a lot cuter than The Six Million Dollar Man ever was!

    Hope the English summer has finally turned up for you.
    D xox

  2. They predict a "mini heatwave" is heading our way this weekend. We shall see....


  3. "And don't look at me like that: if we're going to be grand old friends then you need to learn to love dogs too" - I couldn't agree with you more!!!!!!
    Sarah xxx

  4. Which is one of the reasons we are such good mates!

    Hooray for all the dog lovers out there xx



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