Thursday 10 May 2012

The weekend

I'm up in Auckland tomorrow for another roadshow (for the day gig) but, in true Shazzy style, have managed to blag a media junket. Cue flashy hotel, tickets to shows, an art exhibition, a food walking tour, lunches, dinners etc in return for nice story. Seems a fair exchange and an exceedingly pleasant way to spend my birthday.

The only downside is that the Auckland tourism PR wants me to do a Harley trip around the city; apparently the company who runs the tours is moving into Welly later this year and it would be great advance publicity, yada, yada. Except I abhor and fear motorbikes, following a particularly bad experience with an ex boyfriend and a ride from hell through central London. Having such a 'thing' about bikes means I am unable to go anywhere near one. Which, of course, hasn't endeared me to the PR folk but oh well, broken eggs, omelets,etc.

Instead, we've gone for a more sedate segway trip around Devonport which, if the rain Gods play nice, should be fun.

We've also scheduled a catchup with my gorgeous friend Lil and the Animator's siblings, as well as a spot of shopping.

Will admit, though, to a nagging worry about Mr Bristol: it's the first time we've left him in the six months we've had him, but we have friends staying and they adore him so hopefully he'll be fine. And it's a good test run for the San Francisco trip which is only a couple of weeks away...

No blog for a few days but will bore you with pix next week. Wherever in the world you are, hope your weekends are filled with fun and laughter.

(Pic Credit: Google Images)


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