Tuesday 29 May 2012

How they roll in SF

Last night we enjoyed a pretty spectacular fireworks display staged especially for our arrival. And to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge (another reason I'm here, to do a coupla travel pieces on the iconic hunk of reddish steel). Even me, who usually enjoy fireworks about as much as I would a trip to Mothercare, thought it was worthy of mucho praise.

Today is Memorial Day, a public holiday in the US, so we took things easy. We ventured down to the local shops, received and returned a few "happy Memorial Day" salutations, found a very cool second hand bookstore (not quite as cheap as my old haunt in the UK but it was a close run thing) and ate my bodyweight in these coconut banana pancakes which I've been dreaming about since my last visit in March 2011.  These things are incredible and incredibly huge - the nice waitperson who mistook me for an Australian (damn her!) sent me home with most of the stack; I am sure they will reappear at dinner time.

In case you're wondering (and even if you're not) here's a pic of the savory crepe that was ordered and selfishly devoured by the Animator.

On the walk home, we were, somewhat hilariously, dive-bombed by maternal blackbirds. Both of us. Along with several people behind and in front of us.

And, of course, there is the canine love. Lots and lots of it. Bristol aside, Molly is the most beautiful dog in the world. I am not biased at all.


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